Photos and updates of the work we have put in to developing our Victorian home

Thursday, February 10, 2005


I wasn't surprised to hear this morning that there had been mayhem and a stabbing at the new Edmonton branch of Ikea that opened last night.
I used to visit Walthamstow, which is near to Edmonton, quite frequently a few years back and i always remarked on the number of chavs in the area who dressed their kids in 'Duffer St George' hoodies and wore nothing but designer labels themselves, yet looked like they didn't have two pennies to rub together. I was in no doubt that all their togs were from TK Maxx and they hadn't paid full price for them. They were all 'fur coat and no knickers' types - spoke like fishwives but pertained to be footballers wives.

Which is why the opening offers at Ikea were a very BAD idea. Leather sofas for £45. Did they really expect there not to be blood shed? Ikea bosses obviously hadn't done their market research properly. I mean, come on, how many people would abandon their cars on one of London's busiest roads just to get to a furniture shop??

Now that didn't happen at the Croydon opening of Ikea :)


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