Sunday, September 17, 2006
Front Door Update
The front door's stained glass got broken the day we moved in. It's now been releaded and secured behind a sheet of safety glass. It's rock solid and draught free. With it we have replainted the woodwork white and green. I think it contrasts well will the glass and it matches many of the houses on the street. The door fixtures, of which there two more to attach, have been cleaned up and restored to their former glory. Keeping with the brass theme we have added a front letterbox (we have previously had everything delivered around the back, and soon to come, a shiny brass number 6.
Old door with broken glass

Broken glass

Gaffer, the best of all the tapes..

We have painted the backdoor to macth :)

The old light above the back door

Back garden Update
We have almost finished planting the back beds now. The weather is still very mild up here in Yorkshire so i reckon everything will get plenty of time to settle in before the weather turns. The new plants are Prunus (Cherry tree), Heuchera, Thalictrum (Meadow Rue), Cotinus (Smokey Bush), Alpine Rose, Vinca and Cyclamen. The pink flower is Osteospermum.