Photos and updates of the work we have put in to developing our Victorian home

Monday, January 10, 2005

Tsunami ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Following the tsunami on boxing day in South East Asia, I have been watching the world react to the devastation it has caused. Most of us have contributed to the massive amount of money that has been pledged from around the world. I have been bowled-over by the generosity of everybody.
This past weekend, British terrestrial television aired a number of programmes addressing the issues of global warming and natural disasters illustrating the threat nature and the weather poses on us today.
I sat there pondering afterwards on what would happen if the majority of the 'developed' world had been hit by such a tragedy. Where would we get our aid from and could we be in a situation where in the aftermath of such a disaster, the only countries not affected, don't have the infrastructure or the resources to perform any emergency operation.
Surely, with the threat of natural disasters occurring more often, we need to organise a global contingency fund rather than rely on charitable donations.
I'm no politician and wouldn't even like to suggest how we could go about organising such a thing, but it seems like common sense to me.


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